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Why a website?

I want to have a website because I believe that social media has missed the point.

I want to do more than just post. And I don’t want it to happen on multiple platforms, especially not ones that come and go. I hate the algorithms, ads, and so much more.

On this site a protocol called RSS is being used that will allow you to be notified when I post and see them all in an app without having to always check my website. All you need to do is put this link into any RSS reader app: https://willemdoesnt.neocities.org/Feeds/blog.xml

Leaving social media means I'm only connected if you message me or have your own feed. I am working on finding ways to make that easy for you all but I don’t have the solution yet.

This is about valuing your freedom over convenience.

>>> MY DISCORD <<<

What you can expect from this site once it's setup:
  • Blog (RSS)
  • My Art: photography, drawing, youtube, software
  • Linking to my fav creators
  • Plenty Virtue Signalling
  • Shrines for games, music, movies, shows, anime
  • Private feeds for close friends/family
  • Credits (this font is not mine)
  • Email: